Friday, September 3, 2010

The lost opportunities

When I look back at the moments where I could have easily made the difference by catching hold of the rump of those fleeting opportunities that I could have savoured and thus enjoyed the apex, I feel bleak. There were numerous opportunities on my way back to where I stand however I stand because I didn't choose any. There were moments which I brood upon really makes me wonder 'how stupid of me to leave a moment like that?' I could have tried that instead and worked wonders back in the day. How different then life would have been otherwise?
There have been chances which could have certainly made the difference in a positive way while there were those which could have pulled me down into an abyss. I am glad that I missed those that could have really screwed my life big time. But hey ! how do I know which were the good ones and which were the bad ones ?

Some say whichever moments we omitted unknowingly ( even those good ones ) were left on purpose because fate has something real good in store for us. I don't disagree with this fact however when I really don't behold that better future or fate coming it certainly hurts to know that it is after all just an adage that is supposed to make us feel better. The fact makes me gloomy and forces me to lose heart.
Those moments , those opportunities and those chances lost would never come back again in my life a fact I am aware of. However lamenting is not going to do me any good either. So what I should really do is brush off the thoughts of the lost occasions and really consider making the most of the moments that are supposed to come in the near future. This way I can prepare myself so that I don't miss on those important opportunities again and curse my conscience for the same in the days to come.