Thursday, August 4, 2011

The diehard sport

Surreal as it might seem, some of us are way into something - one can hardly do anything to deter our love for the same. The craze is overwhelming and the fad is the obsession. For instance, I am a big fan of cricket, I believe I live it everyday. There is cricket in my bones, in my cells and I hardly miss any opportunity to try a shot or two. I have hurt my ligaments playing the same albeit I still play whenever I get a chance. I am a tennis fan too. In the same manner I have seen those diehard football lovers who can do anything for the game and by anything I mean 'anything'.
The thing is how much obsessed we are, unhindered, unstoppable by any force (coz the force itself enjoys the game), unmatched is our passion for the game - we force even Gods to bow down before our obsession. We make our teams win by our superstitions, we make them play our way, we choose the area, we call the shots, we score and we win. When we lose we weep, we cry along with our team. There is a diehard sport in each and every one of us and it manifests itself at the climax of the game. At that hour everyone's an emotional wreck. No one's concerned about tomorrow, no one cares about the past. The only thing that matters is the triumph.
That passion is worth watching. It is worthy of all the respect, worthy of all the attention, worthy of triumph in every game. However it is a game where someone has to lose and so you can't be happy always. It reminds us about how life is. How fickle things can be. How we must be always prepared for the worst and be ready to rejuvenate at life's even smallest victories.

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